(스포츠 악세사리) 생산팀 생산관리


CAREERS:  5-7 years
Employment type:   Full-time job
Working area:  Hà Nội
Salary: Company policy

End of Reception: 09/07/2019

Type of Industry: 

Recruitment services

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Job Posting: (스포츠 악세사리) 생산팀 생산관리


Number of Recruits: 1 person
Job Category:  Textiles·Clothing·Fashion
Department: ( 베트남법인 ) 생산기획팀
Position/Title: Assistant Manager
Recruiting Sectors/Job Descriptions:

모집부문 :  스포츠 악세사리 생산팀 생산관리



1. 생산진도관리 

2. 생산실적관리

3. 생산라인배정및 관리

Qualifications and preferential terms

Educational Background: Not relevant
Apply Qualification

지원 자격

1.  동종업계 (섬유 / 의류 / 패션) 경력 최소 4-7년

2.  성별 : 남성

3.   장기간 해외 체류 가능하신 분



우대 사항

1.   베트남어 가능자 우대

2.   영어 능통자 우대


Major/Department: Textile engineering,Industrial Engineering.
Preferential Conditions: Veterans Child,National meritorious,Possible to work overseas,Handicapped.
Foreign Language : English,Vietnamese,Proficient in English,Fluent in Vietnammese.
Sex: Male

Working Condition

Salary: 회사내규에 따름 Other allowances: 주재원 수당 별도
Welfare Benefits: Lunch provide,Parking available,Social insurance,Dormitory ,Housing rent fee,Telephone fee,Health screenings,Long-term employee awards,Support student expenses,Wedding·Funeral allowances.
Company address:: không tìm thấy địa chỉ này
View Map
Working area: Hà Nội
Working day: 월~금
Working Time: 07:30~18:30

Reception Period and Method

Reception period: 02/07/2019 ~ 09/07/2019
How to Reception: Apply Email
Application Form: Company Form Download

Recruitment Procedures and Required Documents

Recruitment Procedures:

1. 서류전형

2. 인적성검사(온라인)

3. 면접전형


Required Documents:

1. 이력서

2. 경력 및 직무 중심 기술

3. 이력서 필수 기재 : 현재 연봉 (기본급 +인센티브), 업무강점, 이직가능시점

Contact to Us

Manager: 이유정 부장
Department: 헤드헌팅 사업부
Phone number: 0220513914
Phone number: 01024951043
Email: leeyoo@pincus.co.kr
(스포츠 악세사리) 생산팀 생산관리 Share to: