Project Managers


KINH NGHIỆM:  Trên 5 năm
Hình thức tuyển dụng:   Nhân viên chính thức
Nơi làm việc:  Hà Nội,TP HCM,Đà Nẵng
Mức lương: Thoả thuận sau phỏng vấn

Hạn nộp hồ sơ: 30/09/2018

Lĩnh vực hoạt động: 

IT·Công nghệ thông tin

Lượt xem: 26 Ứng viên: 0 Lượt lưu: 0

Thông tin tuyển dụng: Project Managers


Số lượng tuyển: 2 người
Lĩnh vực tuyển dụng:  CNTT - Phần mềm
Bộ phận: Manager
Chức vụ / Cấp bậc: Manager
Mô tả công việc:

Job Description

The right fit for this role will see themselves as a development team lead who takes on the responsibility to deliver quality software products and enjoy engaging with the Director of Technology, Lead Architect and Quality Assurance Manager in order to understand and take action to adhere to delivery schedules, software requirements, technical requirements, including detailed technical design concepts, developer testing, unit testing and has the ability to drive their team to meet these expectations, as well as perform hands on development.


Học vấn: Đại học
Yêu cầu công việc

Job Requirements

Role Competencies

  • Computer Science BS/MS degree.
  • 5 years of software development experience.
  • Cloud development experience (AWS, Azure, OpenStack, etc.).
  • Experience building / consuming REST APIs.
  • Experience with high throughput, scalable, systems.

Required Knowledge

  • Must know and be able to discuss in depth the following: SOLID, Inversion-of-Control / Dependency Injection, Domain Driven Design.
  • Must be able to discuss in depth the differences and advantages of SOAP and REST, and provide examples where each would be the preferred option.
  • Should recognize, understand and be able to discuss, to anadvanced degree,general knowledge concepts about the web.
  • Should be able to discuss ORM vs. Micro-ORM vs. No ORM in depth, with advantages of each.
  • Should be able to discuss how to technically manage solution complexity in terms of application structure and solution/project structure.
  • Be able to articulate what quality in software development is and the development teams role in it.

Required Skills& Experience

  • Has led teams greater than 5 people before.
  • Good written and verbal communication skills in English, client relation skills, and ability to work effectively as a contributor in a technical team environment.
  • Competent in the use of following technologies and tools to develop web applications:
  1. HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript
  2. Angular2+ and TypeScript
  3. Bootstrap
  4. C#
  • The ability to work within the following software development methodologies:
  1. Agile / SCRUM / Waterfall
  2. Continuous Integration
  3. Continuous Delivery
  • Experience in the following development activities:
    1. Single page application design
    2. Designing REST-based APIs
    3. Writing SQL queries
    4. Modifying database schemas
  • Experience in the use of the following technologies and tools:
    1. Visual Studio
    3. NoSQL and SQL databases
    4. MS Build
    5. Angular 4/5
    6. .Net Core a plus
  • Experience in the consumption of the following data access technologies:
    1. REST and/or SOAP services
    2. Entity Framework
  • Big plus for experience with Messaging systems (MSMQ, RabbitMQ, etc.) – not mandatory but a ‘very nice to have’.


  • Must have a desire to solve tough and complicated problems.
  • Must be willing to lead by example.
  • Must have a passion for learning detailed technical concepts and the desire to implement solutions based on that knowledge.
  • Must have the ability to assess others technical competencies and a passion to work side by side as a mentor seeking continuous improvement.
  • Must have the capacity to identify and act on good advice.
  • Must be willing to work on legacy products (VB6).
  • Must understand that quality is something that developers take responsibility for and that the QA teams primary responsibility is to validate the implementation of requirements.


Chuyên ngành: Công nghệ thông tin,Seo·Marketing Online.
Chứng chỉ/ Bằng: TOEFL ,IELTS,TOEIC .
Ngoại ngữ : Tiếng Anh.
Kỹ năng chuyên môn : Làm việc độc lập,Làm việc nhóm,Tư vấn CNTT.
Giới tính: Không yêu cầu

Điều Kiện Làm Việc

Mức lương: Thỏa thuận
Điều kiện ưu đãi: Bãi đậu xe,Bảo hiểm,Khám sức khỏe,Trợ cấp hiếu hỷ.
Vị trí công ty: anang Software Park - 6th Floor, 02 Quang Trung Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang., Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng
Xem bản đồ
Khu vực làm việc: Hà Nội, TP HCM, Đà Nẵng
Ngày làm việc: From Monday To Friday
Thời gian làm việc: From Monday To Friday 8:30 AM-6:00 PM


Thời gian nhận hồ sơ: 28/08/2018 ~ 30/09/2018
Phương thức tuyển dụng: Nộp qua Email
Mẫu áp dụng: Mẫu riêng Tải về


Thủ tục thông thường:
Giấy tờ cần nộp:

Benefits and Incentives

- Competitive salary 
- Annual salary review 
- Overtime salary 
- 13-month salary 
- Project bonus 
- Laptop support policy
- 02 days off (Sat and Sun) each week + 01 day leave per month 
- Excellent Benefits: holiday bonus, birthday gift, team building, health care examination, social insurance contribution according to high salary,… 
- Opportunity to travel to client sites in the Silicon Valley and other interesting locations 
- Dynamic and comfortable working environment.
Other Information
Please send resume and cover letter to explaining why you're a good match for this position.



Người phụ trách: Ms. BichThuy
Điện thoại: 02363822288
Di động: 0987222583
Gửi và chia sẻ Việc làm Project Managers :