Market Research in Hanoi


경력사항:  1년 이상
고용형태:   정규직
근무지역:  Hà Nội
급여: 10-12 백만동

접수마감: 2020/04/30



조회수: 62 지원자: 0 저장: 0

채용공고: Market Research in Hanoi


모집 인원: 1 명
채용분야(직종):  외국어·통번역,교육·훈련,헤드헌팅·직업상담,마케팅·텔레마케팅·TM,인사·노무
근무부서: Marketing, immigration consulting, business development
직급/직책: 면접 후 결정

We are looking for a Global Recruiter
We, K-Monster, are looking for an experienced and passionate Recruitment Associate.
Due to the diversity of responsibilities of the role, the ideal candidate will be a competent and resourceful individual with a passion for HR.
Proven experience as HR Generalist
Good knowledge of work permit and immigration for Canada
Excellent communication and people skills
Aptitude in problem-solving
Desire to work as a team with a results driven approach
Additional HR training will be a plus

Major responsibilities
Assist in talent acquisition and recruitment processes
Provide support to find the potential clients in different countries
Promote HR programs to develop a business partnership with other HR agent
-manage strong client relationship and deliverables
-doing marketing research
-marketing the job opportunity
-receive and track applicants
-review resumes/curriculum vitaes
We are looking for someone who is committed long term with the company.

Job Type: Full-time

Required experience:
HR: 1 year

Facebook :

자격요건 및 우대조건

학력: 대학4년 졸업

Required experience:
HR: 1 year

Marketing related experience preferred

Located in Hanoi

Consulting and people skill

외국어 : 영어,한국어.
나이: 40세 이하


급여: 10-12 백만동
복리후생: 점심식사 제공.
회사주소: #507 642-6 sungji hights 3 Yeoksam-dong Gangnam-gu Seoul,, , Nước ngoài
근무지역: Hà Nội,재택근무 가능
근무일: Mon ~ Friday
근무시간: 9am ~ 6pm

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간: 2020/04/20 ~ 2020/04/30
접수방법: 이메일 지원
접수양식: 회사양식 Download

전형절차 및 제출서류


- 이력서

- 자기소개서 

담당자 연락처

담당자: Jeff Lee
담당부서: Canada Team
전화번호: 82234878050
휴대폰: 01062982986
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