Manager/Assistant manager/Staff At securities company owned by a Korean bank

A Securities company owned by a Korean bank

경력사항:  경력무관
고용형태:   정규직
근무지역:  Hà Nội
급여: 면접 후 결정

접수마감: 2020/02/28


은행·금융 서비스

조회수: 99 지원자: 0 저장: 0

채용공고: Manager/Assistant manager/Staff At securities company owned by a Korean bank


모집 인원: 2 명
채용분야(직종):  보험·금융(영업)
근무부서: Various positions are open including IB, Securities, Investment consultant and Brokerage.
직급/직책: 면접 후 결정

Various positions are open including IB, Securities, Investment consultant and Brokerage.


If you are looking for a job to work in foreign investor owned securities company, please apply without hesitation.


자격요건 및 우대조건

학력: 대학4년 졸업

Certificate required : Fund manager or Financial analysis

Communication skill : available for conversation in English or Korean


외국어 : 영어,한국어.
성별: 성별무관
나이: 40세 이하


급여: 면접 후 결정
복리후생: 사회보험.
회사주소: Ba Dinh District, Q. Ba Đình, Hà Nội
근무지역: Hà Nội
근무일: Mon - Fri

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간: 2020/02/07 ~ 2020/02/28
접수방법: 이메일 지원
접수양식: 회사양식 Download

전형절차 및 제출서류


1. Review Resume

2. Interviews.


We thank all applicants for their interst, however only those candidates selected for interviews will be contacted.


1. resume(Adde tamplet is not mandatory, it is your references.)

2. Certicate Fund management or Certificated Financial Analysis


담당자 연락처

담당자: Mr. Cho Bum Hee
전화번호: 8227263257
Manager/Assistant manager/Staff At securities company owned by a Korean bank 공유하기: