HR Officer


경력사항:  2년 이상
고용형태:   정규직
근무지역:  TP HCM
급여: 면접 후 결정

접수마감: 2022/07/31


IT·정보 기술

조회수: 27 지원자: 0 저장: 0

채용공고: HR Officer


모집 인원: 1 명
채용분야(직종):  행정·사무,인사·노무
근무부서: HR
직급/직책: 사원
  • The Administrative Officer is responsible for providing support in various HR & Administration operations.
  • Keep track of and maintain the availability of office policies/procedures, office area/facilities/equipment, office records;
  • Support HR Lead/Manager to develop and implement recruitment. 
  • Assist HR Lead/Manager in annual performance review, promotion programs, etc.
  • Perform other tasks assigned by the Management.
  • Participate/ assist HRM in implementing team buildings, company events.
  • Support other administrative and recruiting tasks.

자격요건 및 우대조건

학력: 대학4년 졸업
  • University graduate in related fields.
  • Expert user of MS Office (Word, Excel).
  • Experience in working with the HR Management system.
  • Mature, careful and result-oriented.
  • Able to work well under pressure and to meet targets & deadlines.
  • English communication skills.
  • Good looking and good communication skills are a plus
  • Experience in IT company (prefer)
전공/학과: 인적 자원 관리,비서·행정.
외국어 : 영어.


급여: Thoả thuận sau phỏng vấn
복리후생: 주차장 제공,사회보험,보너스 지급,건강검진,진료비 지원(본인),경조사 지원.
회사주소: MG Building, Level 5, 2-2B Lam Son Street, Ward 2, Tan Binh District, Ho Chi Minh
근무지역: TP HCM
근무일: Monday-Friday
근무시간: Morning: 8h30-12h ; Afternoon: 13h30-18h

접수기간 및 방법

접수기간: 2022/07/07 ~ 2022/07/31
접수방법: 온라인 지원
접수양식: JOBPRO 온라인 이력서

전형절차 및 제출서류


Benefits and Incentives

  • Opportunity to travel to client sites in the Silicon Valley and other interesting locations 
  • Competitive salary 
  • Annual salary review 
  • Laptop support policy
  • 13-month salary 
  • Overtime salary
  • Five working days per week
  • Social insurance contribution according to high salary
  • Excellent Benefits: holiday bonus, birthday gift, team building, health care examination, big annual year-end party every year, sport activities, ...
  • Dynamic and comfortable working environment.

Please send a resume and cover letter to explaining why you're a good match for this position.


담당자 연락처

담당자: Ms. BichThuy
담당부서: HR
전화번호: 02862966748
지금 지원하세요 !
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