경력사항: 2년 이상
고용형태: 정규직
근무지역: Hà Nội,TP HCM,Đà Nẵng
급여: 면접 후 결정
채용공고: Full-stack Java Developers
모집 인원: 6 명
채용분야(직종): IT·첨단기술
근무부서: Developer Development
직급/직책: 사원
Job Description
- Requirements analysis and design
- Feature development and testing
- Deployment and maintenance
자격요건 및 우대조건
학력: 대학4년 졸업
Job Requirements
- Over 2 years of hands-on experience in Java, Java EE and related technologies.
- Over 2 years of hands-on experience in developing web solutions using Spring framework (all components / technologies including Spring Boot).
- Having hands-on experience with IBM WebSphere Application Server (support and migration) and Messaging Queue (IBM MQ) is required.
- Over 1.5 years of hands-on experience in JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular 7 or later.
- Having experience with Oracle and PostgreSQL (schema design, support, migration) is required.
- Having hands-on experience of CI and DevOps (Jenkins, EC2, S3, Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Helm, Cloud Data Storage) is required.
- Having hands-on hands-on experience in GIT (GitHub / Bitbucket) & agile development tools is required.
- Having a good command of English is required.
- Passionate about web based application development.
- Keep pace with quick changes.
- Candidates are Vietnamese people.
Job Requirements
- Over 2 years of hands-on experience in Java, Java EE and related technologies.
- Over 2 years of hands-on experience in developing web solutions using Spring framework (all components / technologies including Spring Boot).
- Having hands-on experience with IBM WebSphere Application Server (support and migration) and Messaging Queue (IBM MQ) is required.
- Over 1.5 years of hands-on experience in JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular 7 or later.
- Having experience with Oracle and PostgreSQL (schema design, support, migration) is required.
- Having hands-on experience of CI and DevOps (Jenkins, EC2, S3, Docker, Docker Compose, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Helm, Cloud Data Storage) is required.
- Having hands-on hands-on experience in GIT (GitHub / Bitbucket) & agile development tools is required.
- Having a good command of English is required.
- Passionate about web based application development.
- Keep pace with quick changes.
- Candidates are Vietnamese people.
전공/학과: 생명 공학.
자격증/면허: IELTS,TOEIC .
외국어 : 영어 능통자 우대.
성별: 성별무관
급여: Thoả thuận sau phỏng vấn
복리후생: 주차장 제공,사회보험,보너스 지급,건강검진,경조사 지원.
anang Software Park - 6th Floor, 02 Quang Trung Street, Hai Chau District, Da Nang., Hải Châu, Đà Nẵng
근무지역: Hà Nội, TP HCM, Đà Nẵng
근무일: From Monday To Friday
근무시간: From Monday To Friday 8:30 AM-6:00 PM
접수기간 및 방법
접수기간: 2020/03/04 ~ 2020/03/31
접수방법: 온라인 지원
접수양식: JOBPRO 온라인 이력서
전형절차 및 제출서류
Other Information:
Please send resume and cover letter to explaining why you're a good match for this position.
담당자 연락처
담당자: Ms. BichThuy
전화번호: 02363822288
휴대폰: 0987222583
지금 지원하세요 !
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