[SEKONIX VINA] 품질관리 직원 채용 (신입,경력)


CAREERS:  Unrelated career
Employment type:   Full-time job
Working area:  Vĩnh Phúc
Salary: Decision after interview

End of Reception: 30/06/2020

Type of Industry: 

Other Manufacturing

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Job Posting: [SEKONIX VINA] 품질관리 직원 채용 (신입,경력)


Number of Recruits: 1 person
Job Category:  Quality management (QA/QC)
Department: QC
Position/Title: Decision after interview
Recruiting Sectors/Job Descriptions:


- 회사명: 세코닉스 비나 법인
- 근무지: 빈푹 (하노이~1시간)
- 부 서: QC
- 담당업무: 품질관리, 고객 CS 대응, 고객사관리
- 경력: 사원~과장급 (신입가능)
- 남녀무관


Qualifications and preferential terms

Educational Background: Not relevant
Apply Qualification

- 필수사항: 베트남 거주자
- 우대사항: 베트남어 가능자(신입 필수)

- 남녀무관

Preferential Conditions: Excellent OA.
Sex: No relation sex

Working Condition

Salary: 면접 후 결정
Welfare Benefits: Lunch provide,Parking available,Commuter bus service,Social insurance,Dormitory ,Telephone fee,Residence visa,Health screenings,Medical expenses (oneself),Medical expenses (family),Support student expenses,Wedding·Funeral allowances.
Company address:: Lô C 10, Khu công nghiệp Bá Thiện II, Xã Thiện Kế, Bình Xuyên, Vĩnh Phúc
View Map
Working area: Vĩnh Phúc
Working day: 월요일~토요일

Reception Period and Method

Reception period: 30/05/2020 ~ 30/06/2020
How to Reception: Apply Online
Application Form: JOBPRO ONLINE CV

Recruitment Procedures and Required Documents

Recruitment Procedures:
1. 서류전형
2. 서류합격자 개별통보
3. 대면면접 (면접장소: 세코닉스 비나 현지법인)
4. 합격자 통보

*화상면접은 진행되지 않습니다.
Required Documents:

- 이력서 (사진첨부필수, 양식무관)

- 자기소개서 


기타 문의사항 메일로 접수부탁드립니다.

메일주소: cjw12@sekonix.com

Contact to Us

Manager: 최지원
Please apply now !
[SEKONIX VINA] 품질관리 직원 채용 (신입,경력) Share to: